Duration | 2 Months
The Core Java technologies and application programming interfaces (APIs) are the foundation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). They are used in all classes of Java programming, from desktop applications to Java EE applications. We offered:
- What is Java
- History of Java
- Concept of OOPS
- Java Features
- Sun-Oracle Deal
- Different Java Platforms
- Java Versions
- JVM Architecture
- Installing Java on Windows
- Understanding Path Variable: Why Set Path
- Syntax, Keywords
- Variables
- Data Types
- Operators
- Comments
- Looping and Condition Statements
- Type Casting
- Java Array
- What is I/O
- Input/Output Class Hierarchy
- Byte Streams and Character Streams
- Java File I/O Classes
- Easy Text Output: PrintWriter / PrintStream
- Object Serialization
- Exception Handling in Java I/O
- Transient keyword
- Introduction to AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)
- Introduction to Swing Components
- Events Handling
- AWT Button
- Working with Image
- Multiprocessing v/s Multithreading
- Process-based / Thread-based multitasking
- What is Thread
- Thread Methods
- Thread Classes
- Main Thread (Default Java Thread)
- Creating Child Threads and understanding context switching
- The Java Collections Framework
- The List Interface
- Java Generics
- Generic Methods
- Others
- Java Exceptions & Errors
- Exception Methods
- Throws / Throw Keywords
- Catching Exceptions
- The Finally Block
- Common Exceptions
- Fundamentals of a Network
- What is Socket Programming
- Socket and ServerSocket Class Methods
- InetAddress Class Methods
- Client Server Example
- Common Exceptions
- JDBC Overview
- JDBC Drivers
- Getting a JDBC Connection
- Preparing a Statement
- Processing ResultSet
- Transaction
- Using ResultSetMetaData
- Front End Coding
- Form Designing
- Database Designing
- Professional Logic
- Live Project with dummy data